Cookie And Privacy Policy

information on the processing of personal data addressed to our customers

provided under articles 13-14 - Reg. 2016/679/EU "on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data" (hereinafter "GDPR")

Given that:

  • According to article 4, parag. 1, n. 7 of GDPR the "Controller" is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data;
  • According to article 4, parag. 1, n. 1 of GDPR a "Personal Data" is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person («Data subject»);
  • According to article 14, parag. 3 of GDPR in the case of relationships between legal persons, the information provided through the customer (legal person) will be issued to any Data subject involved in the relating processing at time of the first communication to that data subject.

All of this premised:

We inform you that your order involves the need to process some information concerning individuals.

However, we would like to reassure you about the use of this information, which will be processed by K.U. Distribution S.r.l., with registered office in 46031 – Bagnolo San Vito (MN), via dell’Euro, n. 5, Phone +39 0376 253477, e-mail: , as the Controller, in respect of the fundamental rights of the individual, as well as in compliance with the provisions on personal data protection.

Which Data we process

The management of your order involves the collection and processing of personal data, in particularly: identifiers (name, surname, e-mail address), accounting and fiscal, directly referred to the customer (if natural person) or, for identification and contact Data, referred to other Data subjects (such as workers, employees, representatives, etc.). These Data are collected in execution and in the performance of commercial relationships with the Controller and in compliance with the provisions concerning the processing and the protection of personal data.

In order to follow up on your request, the aforementioned data are essential: remain free not to provide us with such data; however, in this case it may not be possible to proceed with the fulfillment of the order as requested.

Why do we process Personal Data

. The data collected are processed for the pursuit of instrumental and/or complementary activities statutorily expressed and functional to the performance of the contractual or pre-contractual relationship existing with the Customer with regard to the products requested.
The Controller does not use the contact data collected for sending newsletters.
The Controller does not perform profiling activities related to direct marketing.

Legal basis of the processing and retention period

The processing takes place in order to perfect and execute a contract that the customer is a part of, and concerning the order relating to the supply of the product.
In cases it is prescribed by sector legislation (e.g. invoicing, taxation or anti-money laundering law), the treatment will take place on the basis of a regulatory obligation to which the Controller is bound to comply.

The personal data collected will be kept for the time necessary for the completion of your order, including the time related to the delivery of the product. The Controller may continue to keep such Data for a longer period in order to be able to handle any disputes related to the supply of the product.
The treatment for administrative and accounting purposes involves a data retention according to the terms established by the regulations: 10 years, pursuant to art. 2220 c.c. In these cases, will be kept the only data strictly necessary for these purposes.

How we process personal data

The collected data are stored in a management software and are processed in electronic and paper form, in compliance with the principles established by the legislation on personal data protection.
The processing takes place after the adoption of the technical and organizational measures, appropriate to the risks for the fundamental rights of the Data Subjects.
The processing operations are performed by persons specifically designated by the Data Controller in writing or otherwise authorized to access the information, which are adequately informed about the protection of personal data.

Communication of Personal Data

In pursuing the aforementioned purposes, the Controller may communicate some of the data collected to external companies, identified from time to time as independent data Controllers or Processors: appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the protection of personal data.
Below, we provide you with a list of the categories of subjects who, in pursuing the aforementioned purposes, may become aware of certain categories of data provided:

  • Unika S.p.A., group company which takes care of the registration of the order.
  • Consultants who take care of the tax obligations on behalf of the Controller.
  • Banks, credit institutions and companies closely linked to the collection of credit.
  • Legal advisors designated for this purpose Data Processors (e.g. credit recovery and contractual advice).
  • IT companies, designated for this purpose Data Processors, to the extent that they access the information systems during their maintenance activities.
  • Shipping companies and couriers, in order to ensure the delivery of the requested products.

Personal Data will not be transferred to non-EU countries

The rights of the Data Subjects

The GDPR grants a series of rights (articles from 15 to 22) to protect Data subjects who will always have:

  • the right to access information concerning them and to be informed about the methods and purposes of the processing to which such information is subject;
  • the right to erasure, the right to object, or the right to restriction of processing, if the conditions are satisfied;
  • the right to data portability if the data are processed by automated means.

Data subjects can exercise their rights by writing to
We remind you that, with regard to commercial communications concernig products and related services, is always guaranteed the right to object.
Data Subjects have the right to complain to the Supervisory Authority, or to refer to the Judicial Authority, for the protection of their rights.