(+39) 0442 411791
(+39) 0376 253477
This section contains cables intended for power supply,
signal transmission of servomotors used in automation
industrial, hybrid cables that allow, depending on the different needs, so
to include the power conductors, the signal cable and the bus cable.
They have been divided as follows:
All cables are UL and CSA and cable approved UNIDRALL 5005, 5010 and 5100 it is been obtained the style UL and CSA that li declares "Oil Resistant".
Via Lombardia, 13/15, 37044 Cologna Veneta (VR) - ITALY
Tel.: (+39) 0442 411 791 - Fax: (+39) 0442 419 350
Email: unika@unika.it - P.IVA:
02840160234 - REA: 236829
Companies Registry of Verona - Cap. Soc.: € 2.006.000,00